Remotely interested?

Communicating with deskless workers: A research report

Around 80% of the world’s workforce are believed to be ‘deskless’.

This includes those in hospitality, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, transport, construction, public services and more.

83% of deskless workers feel part of the team they work in

Only 36% of remote workers believe their manager is an accurate source of information

27% of deskless workers had too little information about their organisation

Communicating with this group of workers is challenging. Yet, when they make up so much of the workforce getting it right is crucial.

How do we ensure our messages are reaching them?

And are the methods we’ve always used still effective?

Remotely Interested

These workers spend 90% of their time doing their work. This means their access and time to read news and information from the organisations is limited.

We commissioned two studies in the UK and Ireland – one in 2019 and another, post COVID-19, in 2023 – to understand what’s working, and what’s not.

How should we communicate with deskless workers?

One of the most comprehensive studies ever carried out into these hard-to-reach workers, Remotely Interested brings together insights from more than 350 deskless staff across 14 organisations.

Workers were asked what they thought about their managers, senior leaders, the tools used to communicate with them and the quality of the content they received.

Free guide: 8 ways to improve communication with deskless workers

Discover the eight core themes that need to be addressed to really improve communication with those hard to reach, deskless workers.

What’s inside?

Remotely Interested? is a clear snapshot of the challenges facing internal communicators when it comes to keeping deskless workers up to date with what’s going on in their organisation.

Capturing snapshots from both before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, it provides a unique perspective on how the working world has changed for this section of the workforce.

Our findings identified eight core themes that need to be addressed to really improve communication with those hard to reach, deskless workers:


Line manager skills

Third space

Solitary, mixed or team – content and conversation

Employee motivation: Task or brand

Getting the right digital tools in place

Communicating with a verbal culture

Content for engagement

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