Our Services

The Field Model™

We specialise in helping you diagnose why chaos is occurring inside your organisation.

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Go from
 chaos to calm

Is your organisation struggling to change? Are you looking to adapt your culture? Do you need a water-tight communications strategy? Are you struggling to find your way around a tricky team issue?

Or does your organisation have a leadership development challenge that’s negatively affecting engagement?

The Field Model™ seeks to understand, diagnose and fix issues impacting organisations around the world. It can be applied to your organisation as a whole, the communication function to specifically target improvements, or focus on improving employee experience and how to remove the chaos at every stage.

It’s often difficult to make sense of the chaos. If you run the business as the MD or CEO, look after the operational side as operations director or are responsible for the transformation of the business, read on to see how we can help.

1/ Understand
The first step of understanding the problem is the most important, and the most ambiguous. Understanding is when you can say something isn’t right, there are symptoms you can see like people leaving, off sick, low engagement score etc. You can see things happening, but you don’t know why, you understand there is a problem.
2/ Diagnose
Once we understand, we can fully diagnose the issue. We will use a variety of tools to diagnose what’s going on inside the organisation or the team. Selecting the right tools for you means we can ask the right questions to get to the bottom of the issues.
3/ Fix
The solutions here address the root cause of the symptoms you were seeing or understanding. They will include communication and behaviour changes and they will also explore strategy and culture. The fix is different for everyone, but we see some common themes when there is chaos.

What The Field Model™ can help with:

Organisational change

Employee experience

Internal communication

Fix issues communication

The Field Model™

For organisational change

There are transformations happening in lots of organisations and we know that communication is fundamental to their success. During change, we need to pre-empt the chaos and get a head start on what can manage it.

Sometimes we know it’s coming, like a merger or acquisition and other times it can take us by surprise like rapid growth where suddenly things are chaotic and systems are out of control. Looking at the whole organisation with a focus on communication, will help ensure transformations run more smoothly.

The Field Model™

For employee experience

“Things just don’t feel right” is a phrase we often hear when expectations aren’t aligned around employee experience. Looking at the employee life cycle and making sure there is clarity around expectations at each stage, with different employee groups is key to getting to the root cause of any symptoms.

Mapping this to relationships, the environment and tools and processes means we are looking at the culture and the employee experience as one.

Employee Experience Model

The Field Model™

For internal communication

Reviewing your internal communication strategy and plan and carrying out an internal communication audit can feel daunting. But applying The Field Model™ to it means you align everything to the organisational strategy; you anchor the team in a clear purpose and you focus on delivering what the business needs.

The diagnosis phase can include surveys and focus groups or 1:1 conversations with different stakeholders. An audit of internal communication should address the problems the function is there to solve for the organisation as a whole.

Ready to discover how
The Field Model™
 can fix the chaos in your organisation?

Ready to try the Field Model™ in your organisation?

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