Our books
If you’d like to delve deeper, our founder and CEO Jenni Field has published books that can help improve your internal communication, leadership, culture and employee experience.
Nobody Believes You:
Become a Leader People Will Follow
The number one challenge for most organisations is not a question of engagement, but of credibility.
Based on four years of research, the book delves into the eight practices of credibility including empathy, trust, and capability. Each chapter shares insights that already exists about emotions, behaviours, leadership, and remote work to explore what is required to lead and manage teams well in a post pandemic world.
Nobody Believes You will help you become the kind of leader people want to follow and be the credible leader your team needs.

Influential Internal Communication
Streamline your corporate communication to drive efficiency and engagement. Better communication means better business practices as well as increased employee engagement, happier clients and customers, and greater profits. Influential Internal Communication shows the measurable impact communication has on an organisation’s growth. This book presents a clear, adaptable method to help understand, diagnose and fix communication challenges to transform chaos into calm.
Jenni Field also features in...

Start For Success
By Jane Cavelle

When In Doubt, Make Applesauce!
By Marc C. Whitt

Refreshing Comms
By Liz Atkin