Crises, chaos and calm – maintaining untarnished reputations

A circle of matches where the tips are all pointing towards each other. One match is lit and looks like it could light all others.

Eva Maclaine is a communications strategy, reputation and change management specialist and a member of our collective. An expert in managing change and cross-cultural teams, she develops complex PR and communication strategies to promote understanding, engagement and positive behaviours amongst communities of stakeholders.

In episode 7 of season 4, Redefining Communications with Jenni Field, Eva and Jenni reflect on the chaos that can hit an organisation when a crisis develops, and the steps needed to ensure the calm for it to function well. Here, Eva expands on her thoughts.

Reputation – good or bad – is a matter of perception. 

Unfortunately it takes only one ill-considered action and a reputation can be lost in a flash. And then there is often little left. 

So what causes the chaos around a poor reputation? Often it’s caused by external events – think weather disruption to holiday makers, security breaches in organisations, a false rumour about a company fuelled by social media. All can be difficult to handle.

But far more difficult are those crises caused by internal actions. There have been enough examples in recent times and they can have devastating effects and can even lead to the organisation failing and breaking up.

Chaos in recent times

Internal crises are usually either caused by poor decision making or by disruptive actions of individuals working within. Poor decisions were certainly at the heart of the infamous announcement by Center Parcs, “as a mark of respect” for the late Queen, to close its UK sites on the day of her funeral, potentially leaving hundreds of stranded guests part-way through their holidays. The resulting outcry in all media quickly led it to review its position.

On the other hand, chaos can also be caused by the actions of individuals working for the organisation. London’s Metropolitan Police, accused of being institutionally sexist, racist and homophobic, may not survive the fall out. It remains to be seen whether another organisation – the CBI (the Confederation of British Businesses)  – will survive the turmoil of rape allegations and sexual harassment. When the news broke and the allegations surfaced, 50 large businesses immediately suspended or cancelled their membership. 

These examples will certainly become PR textbook examples of how not to handle a crisis. But what can we do to ensure we can avoid the crises in the first place, avoid the chaos and navigate the still, calm waters of a well-run company? 

The dangers of over-hyping

First, beware of building a reputation better than reality. Pumped-up reputations, neither grounded in reality nor authentic, are worse than useless. Sooner or later they will be caught out and the fall out will be even greater. The VW emissions scandal is a notable example. The company had an impeccable reputation until it was exposed for cheating emission tests to improve results.

Our digital world brings with it special problems where a lie knows no boundaries. As Mark Twain observed: “A lie can travel half way around the world while truth is putting on its shoes.” And with digital this is even more true. 

Aiming for calm

Professional conversations all too frequently revolve around reputation management but the focus should actually be on integrity, true values, strong leadership and solid purpose. 

Several foundations will help secure a good reputation. A good product or service must always sit at the heart of the company, but good governance, sound financial performance, strong committed leadership and a contented workplace all contribute to its reputation. 

Companies are no longer simply money-making machines, geared only to satisfying their shareholders. Given the short-term demands of shareholders, it is especially important that we focus on companies’ long-term needs. A positive culture and strong values are fundamental to successful organisations. These need to evolve and be nurtured from within the organisation. Successful companies who communicate with all their stakeholders are then better prepared to face any challenges. 

A good reputation leads to increased trust in companies. It attracts support from customers and other stakeholders. It drives support and success for the business. Reputation management is about communicating these to everyone in order to build trust and safeguard the organisation’s reputation.

What are key things to look for when building a company’s reputation?

As ever, listening is hugely important – to all our stakeholders. To do this effectively we also need to measure perceptions. Do the research, listen to customers, lead focus groups, conduct surveys. Only then will you have a real understanding of a company’s reputation.

Having listened, don’t be afraid to speak up. PR is not a cure for all ills. As PR practitioners we have to consider all possible consequences of any actions and be bold enough to bring them to the attention of senior management. Resist a sticking plaster approach. If something doesn’t work you first need to fix it. At our best we are there to advise the management on the risks of any actions and to suggest optimal courses of action.

Today running a company is more complicated than ever. With a fractured geopolitical situation and unrest erupting in many continents, we as PR professionals are faced with new challenges. The days of corporate neutrality are over. It invites people to assume that you don’t care about what is happening in the world. Gen Z is now far more careful about working for brands they do not respect or those they consider are harming society. We now expect more from our companies and we all have to step up to that challenge.

Brands must be transparent when informing the public about their actions in response to current and emerging societal issues. By including stakeholders in the process and providing regular updates with hard data, clear metrics and quantifiable results — even when those results fall short of expectations — companies can build trust in them along the way.

Lastly, act with integrity and make sure that filters through your whole company: that will breed trust. 

Hubert Joly, ex-McKinsey and a former chairman and CEO of the US based Best Buy, says organisations should be made up of people working together with a common purpose in pursuit of the same goal. “If you can create this environment where there’s connection of purpose and people can be themselves, then magic happens.” Reputation management is part of our The Field Model for internal communication. If you’d like to explore how we can support you in strategising for crisis communications, please get in touch.

About the author:
Internal Communications
Jenni Field

Jenni Field is an expert in leadership credibility and internal communication.

Host of the popular Redefining Communications with Jenni Field podcast and author of Influential Internal Communication, and Nobody Believes You, her work as an international speaker and coach, helps leaders and their organisations become more efficient and more engaging.

After spending 13 years working inside organisations as Head of Internal Communications and Communications Director, Jenni set up the consultancy Redefining Communications to help organisations and teams use communication to go from chaos to calm.

Since 2017 Jenni has published two books, hosted two popular podcasts that discuss leadership, communication and wellbeing and conducted research into communication with deskless workers, the role of line managers and why we follow some leaders and not others.

In 2020 she was the President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and she holds qualifications and accreditations in internal communication, company directorship and facilitation.

She is an impressive speaker, inspiring leader and is globally recognised in the communication industry as a force for change in the way leaders and organisations as a whole communicate with their teams.

You can find her on LinkedIn and Instagram

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