Chaos to calm: Communicating change S2 E9

communicating change

Around 70% of change programmes fail. Often this failure is linked to employee resistance, poor management, and poor communication. If we know that so many fail due to, in part, poor communication, why is bringing in communication professionals still left until the last minute?

In this episode, Jenni talks broadly about communicating change inside organisations. She looks at why it goes wrong, three factors critical to success, six things that concern people about change and what to consider to communicate effectively and address those concerns. She also shares a quick-win approach, plus resources for further listening or reading.

Things that will help you go from chaos to calm:

Podcast: Chaos to calm podcast S1 E7 The Field Model™

Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field

Blog: The science of fear

Blog: Why employee engagement needs to be more than just campaigns and rewards

Addressing the 6 Staff Concerns of Organisational Change

You can continue the conversation with Jenni on Twitter and LinkedIn


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