Chaos to calm: Influence and persuasion S2 E10

Influence and persuasion

Influence and persuasion are essential no matter what role you’re in. In this episode, Jenni explores some theories about influence and persuasion and the potential links to chaos. She also shares five things to consider when it comes to influencing and the potential risk of crossover into manipulation.

Things that will help you go from chaos to calm:

Books recommended by Jenni Field

You are not so smart: Why your memory is mostly fiction, why you have too many friends on Facebook and 46 other ways you’re deluding yourself by David McRaney

The Social Dilemma on Netflix

Robert Cialdini

Podcast: Chaos to calm: Building trust and credibility S2 E7

Podcast: Chaos to calm: How to listen to employees S2 E5

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