Chaos to calm: Why we need unity in our leadership teams S3 E3

Why we need unity in our leadership teams

Welcome to episode three in which Jenni talks about leadership as a team. When we talk about leadership, we often focus on talking about individuals; the one person to many. But more and more leadership is about a team. It’s about a group of leaders through a hierarchy – from line managers upwards – that need to be united.

Jenni shares the signs of chaos that can manifest in leadership teams to help you identify these from your own experience, and how to move from chaos to calm. She discusses how to ensure the direction of travel is clear, plus five ways to improve how you lead as a team.

Things that will help you go from chaos to calm:

Podcast: Chaos to Calm: Leadership behaviours S1 E2

Podcast: Chaos to Calm: Team friction S2 E3

Podcast: Calm Edged Rebels: How to be heard with productive disagreement S4 E2

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field

You can continue the conversation with Jenni on Twitter and LinkedIn


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