Nobody Believes You: Season 5 Trailer


Welcome back to the Redefining Communications podcast with Jenni Field!

Season Five is going to focus on leadership, specifically credible leadership. We’ve spent some time researching to find out what it is that makes a leader credible, and through our research, we discovered eight practices to become a credible leader, which we will be exploring throughout this season. 

Each episode will deep dive into one of these practices, discussing the chaos that can happen when credibility is missing and also offer practical advice on how you can build that practice to become a leader people will follow.

So, sit back and relax or enjoy the walk, or however you are listening – we hope you enjoy this season with us!

Episode Timestamps:

  • 00:11 – Focus on Credible Leadership
  • 00:32 – Research and Eight Practices
  • 00:53 – Episode Breakdown and Schedule
  • 01:26 – Final Thoughts and Community Invitation

Thank you for listening!

Keep the conversation going, ask questions and share your thinking by joining the Redefining Communications community, and connecting with Jenni on LinkedIn, Instagram and X(Twitter).

Important Links & Mentions: 
